Balanced on a granite buttress, overlooking the monumental Ruaha National Park, Jabali Ridge is a 50 minute drive from the nearby Msembe airstrip. Here, in the playground of the giants, Baobab trees tower over the land and granite outcroppings stand sentry over the ancient forest.
Raised off the floor on stilts, Jabali Ridge is a marvel of modern architecture, showing the versatility of wood and the harmony that can be established with nature. A pool, contemporary spa and deck line the main areas of the camp, where guests can indulge in an abundance of activities during their stay.
Each of the ten suites is built on an isolated wooden platform, overlooking The Ruaha. Inside the suites, every room opens to different views. Once you close the louvered wooden shutters for an afternoon nap, or open them up to allow the natural lighting and sound in from every angle, you’ll understand just how much control this contemporary space offers you. The king size beds are centred in the room for the best views upon waking, and the en-suite bathrooms contain the full gambit of flushing toilet, hot and cold water and rain showers.
Wildlife & Activities
Ruaha National Park criss-crosses the biomes of different eco-systems. This makes it home to some of the most incredible species of animal, including 20 prides of lion and numerous buck. The bat-eared fox and serval are regularly spotted by guests, too.
Game drives happen twice a day. The Ruaha is famous for the quality of its guides. Allow them to astound you with their in-depth knowledge of the land and where to find your favourite creatures. As your vehicle passes through the towering hulks of baobab and granite you’ll feel a sense of child-like appreciation for the wonders of nature.
Among the animals you’ll find here you’re bound to come across elephant, buffalo, kudu, giraffe and impala. Night drives explore the nocturnal world, where day-shy animals find their rhythm and keep the eco-system churning in the twilight hours. Bush walks offer you the opportunity to see the land close-up, encountering the animals of Ruaha and its flora without obstacles between you. On these ambling tours your senses will sharpen to adapt to the instinctive needs of the environment, revealing the 19th century explorer that’s been living in you, all along.